Trickster@MTL : Appel à la participation / Open invitation

Trickster@MTL : Appel à la participation / Open invitation

Trickster@MTL: Un deuxième projet cet automne! Inscrivez votre enfant!

En 2013, Trickster, projet d'Exeko mêlant théâtre, cirque et conte traditionnel pour jeunes autochtones tenait sa première édition en milieu urbain à Montréal en partenariat avec le Centre d'amitié autochtone de Montréal.

Spectacle des jeunes (c) Exeko

Plus de 20 participants, entre 8 et 16 ans, ont participé au projet et ont présenté leur spectacle devant un public de plus de 275 personnes venues les acclamer. Entre chants de gorge, tambour inter-tribal, slam et bouchées d'orignal, les enfants ont mené jusqu'au bout, émus et fiers, leurs deux pièces sous les applaudissements.


Trickster@MTL 2013


Atelier Trickster@MTL (c) Exeko


Trickster@MTL, le spectacle final en quelques mots Découvrez en photos l'album du projet et du show final sur le flickr d'Exeko Découvrez le vidéo du spectacle sur la chaîne Youtube d'Exeko Grâce au soutien de la Ville de Montréal, du Ministère de la Culture et des Communications et de la Banque TD, un deuxième projet Trickster@MTL se tiendra cet automne! 30 jeunes autochtones de 8 à 16 ans vivant à Montréal pourront participer au projet et vivre une expérience valorisante au travers un processus créatif mêlant théâtre et contes et qui mène vers la création d’une pièce inspirée de contes traditionnels autochtones.

Ce projet en milieu urbain, adapté aux réalités des jeunes autochtones se tiendra au Centre d'amitié autochtone de Montréal, de septembre à décembre, tous les dimanches. Les ateliers seront offerts par un groupe d'artistes professionnels allochtones et autochtones. Nous invitons toutes les familles intéressées à inscrire leurs enfants, à contacter Mélanie Lumsden, chargée de projets Trickster. La participation au projet est gratuite et ne requière aucune exigence particulière. 

Contactez Exeko au 514 528-9706 poste 108 ou par courriel au [email protected]  

Faites-vite car les places sont limitées!


Trickster@MTL: A second project this fall! Register your child!

In 2013, a first Trickster@MTL edition, mixing theatre, circus and traditionnal tales for Aboriginal Youth was held in Montreal in partnership with the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal. More than 20 participants, between 8 and 16 years old, participated in the project and presented their show to an audience of over 275 people. At the closing show : throat singing, intertribal drum, slam and hors d'oeuvre, the participants presented their two plays in front of a cheerful audience.

Minutes before the closing show (c) Exeko

Trickster@MTL 2013

Our blog post about the closing show :  Discover the project and closing show albums on Flickr: Discover the video of the show on Youtube A second project will take place this fall thanks to the support of la Ville de Montréal, du Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and TD Bank! 30 Aboriginal Youth from 8 to 16 years old living in Montréal will be able to participate to the project and live a fun experience throughout a creative process mixing theatre and tales which leads to the creation of a play inspired by Aboriginal tales. This urban project, adapted to realities of Aboriginal Youth will take place at the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal, from September to December, every Sunday. The sessions are given by a group of professionnal Aboriginal and non-aboriginal artists.

Trickster@MTL workshop (c) Exeko

We invite all the interested families to register their child, to contact Mélanie Lumsden, Trickster Project Manager. Registration is free and doesn't require any specific skills. Contact us at 514 528-9706 ext.108 or by email at  [email protected] Register now, as spots are limited!



Établi à Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko utilise l'art et la philosophie au service de l’inclusion sociale. Nous collaborons...

À Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko utilise l'art et la philosophie au service de l’inclusion sociale. Nous collaborons étroitement avec...

Sous la responsabilité de la coordination générale, sous la supervision du responsable des partenariats et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe...



En ce mois national de l'histoire autochtone, Exeko souhaite contribuer à faire connaître l’histoire des...

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • «  I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost. »

    Participant @PACQ

  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this? »

    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain

  • « I Have my own identity ! »

    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain

  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent! »

    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects

  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability.  »

    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal

  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists.  »

    Julie Laloire @AMDI

  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged. »

    Bulletin des YMCA

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community. »

    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future

  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal. »

    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile

  • « Receving is good, but giving is better »

    Participant idAction@Kanesatake

  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery »

    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle

  • «  I don't know everything, but while reading it, it always bring me one step closer »

    A participant, idAction Mobile

  • «  By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • «  I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me »

    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile

  • «  They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • «  Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself. »

    André Frossard

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged.»
    Bulletin des YMCA
  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists. »
    Julie Laloire @AMDI
  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability. »
    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal
  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent!»
    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects
  • « I Have my own identity !»
    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain
  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this?»
    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain
  • « I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost.»
    Participant @PACQ
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself.»
    André Frossard
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal.»
    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile
  • « I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me»
    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile
  • « Receving is good, but giving is better»
    Participant idAction@Kanesatake
  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery»
    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle
  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News
  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community.»
    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future
  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News