Projet des Travailleuses de Soutien Autochtones / Indigenous Support Workers Project - Jason thibault

Projet des Travailleuses de Soutien Autochtones / Indigenous Support Workers Project

dernière mise à jour - 27 avril


En collaboration avec le comité itinérance du RÉSEAU de la communauté Autochtone de Montréal, ce projet est né il y a plus d’un an et se déploie avec la présence quotidienne de deux travailleuses de rue venues combler certains trous de service auprès de la population autochtone en situation d’itinérance dans l'arrondissement du plateau Mont-Royal:

  • Présence horaires: elles sont dans la rue de la fin de l’après-midi, lorsque les équipes d’intervention terminent leurs services, au milieu de la soirée. 
  • Approche: culturellement adaptée aux Autochtones en prévention des méfaits, elles sont elles-même toutes deux autochtones, accompagnées d’une coordonnatrice par interim qui elle est allochtone.
  • Elles ont un rôle déterminant et non-négligeable quant à l’identification et la planification des actions à mettre en place de part leur position privilégiée, leur expérience de longue date en réduction des risques et leur contact direct avec les autochtone en situation d’itinérance. 

Depuis le début de la crise

Les travailleuses ont doublé leurs heures de présence dans la rue et sont en première ligne pour aborder avec les personnes concernées les angles morts de la Direction de la santé publique et de la Ville. Elles ont notamment mis en place des stations de lavages des mains à plusieurs endroits stratégiques, sont les pivots entre les personnes dans la rue, les services gouvernementaux/municipaux et la police, et se sont fait porte-parole pour l’application de mesures d'urgences pour la population autochtone en situation d'itinérance à Montréal (lien vers communiqué). L’équipe s’agrandit dans les prochains jours accueillant à son bord deux nouvelles recrues. C’est un réel privilège que d’arriver à mobiliser des intervenant.e.s autochtones autour de ce projet, surtout en temps de crise. 

Exeko est en appui à ce projet via un soutien administratif, fiduciaire et solidaire.

À lire : Communiqué pour diffusion immédiate - 22 mars 2020 - COVID19 - Des mesures d'urgences requises pour la population autochtone en situation d'itinérance à Montréal

Pour les dernières nouvelles, consultez notre page Facebook et retrouvez-nous sur la page

The Indigenous Support Workers Project (in collaboration with the itinerant committee of the Montreal Indigenous Community NETWORK)

Founded more than a year ago, this project takes place through the daily presence of two street workers who fill service gaps for the Indigenous population at risk or in precarious situations in the Plateau Mont-Royal district. With a regular schedule and culturally adapted approach, they also play a decisive and significant role in identifying and planning required actions thanks to their position of trust and direct contact with people experiencing homelessness.

Since the start of the crisis

The workers have doubled their presence in the streets and are on the front line to address the Public Health Branch and City's blind spots with the people concerned. Notably, they have set up handwashing stations in several strategic places; act as liaisons between people on the street, government / municipal services and the police; and have become spokespersons for the application of emergency measures for the Indigenous homeless population in Montreal.

The workers will receive the support of 2 additional workers in the coming days.

Exeko is supporting this project through administrative, trustee and solidarity support.

Partenaires du projet • Project's partner 

Sous la responsabilité de la coordination générale, sous la supervision du responsable des partenariats et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe...



En ce mois national de l'histoire autochtone, Exeko souhaite contribuer à faire connaître l’histoire des...

On cherche un.e étudiant.e collégial en analyse de données et en gestion de l’information qui a le souci du détail, qui voudrait développer son...

Nous recherchons une personne afin d'offrir un soutien à la coordination de la gestion administrative et les membres de l’organisation....

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • «  I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost. »

    Participant @PACQ

  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this? »

    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain

  • « I Have my own identity ! »

    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain

  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent! »

    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects

  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability.  »

    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal

  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists.  »

    Julie Laloire @AMDI

  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged. »

    Bulletin des YMCA

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community. »

    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future

  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal. »

    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile

  • « Receving is good, but giving is better »

    Participant idAction@Kanesatake

  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery »

    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle

  • «  I don't know everything, but while reading it, it always bring me one step closer »

    A participant, idAction Mobile

  • «  By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • «  I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me »

    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile

  • «  They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • «  Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself. »

    André Frossard

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged.»
    Bulletin des YMCA
  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists. »
    Julie Laloire @AMDI
  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability. »
    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal
  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent!»
    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects
  • « I Have my own identity !»
    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain
  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this?»
    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain
  • « I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost.»
    Participant @PACQ
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself.»
    André Frossard
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal.»
    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile
  • « I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me»
    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile
  • « Receving is good, but giving is better»
    Participant idAction@Kanesatake
  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery»
    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle
  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News
  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community.»
    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future
  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News