Appel à projet (fermé) pour Métissages Urbains

Appel à projet (fermé) pour Métissages Urbains

English bellow


Début de la résidence : Mars 2017 Dates de réalisation : Mars à juin (4 mois) Date limite d’envoi de la candidature : Jeudi 16 février 2017


Métissages Urbains accueille des artistes en résidence dans notre espace commun : la rue. Accompagné.es d’un médiateur ou d’une médiatrice de notre équipe, les artistes co-créent des oeuvres (peinture, son, projection, architecture...) avec les passants afin de créer un lieu d’échanges et de rencontres improbables entre tous les citoyens et citoyennes. Chaque projet stimule notre créativité, nous invite à apprendre et à échanger nos idées !

La présente résidence est mise en oeuvre grâce au soutien financier de la Fondation Inspirit et vise spécifiquement à mettre en place des espaces de rencontre créative entre autochtones et allochtones dans le but de briser les préjugés identitaires. Grâce à des situations égalitaires de collaboration et échange de savoirs, le projet permettra à la voix de jeunes artistes et citoyens autochtones, trop peu entendues, de se faire entendre.

Profil des candidat.e.s

Nous recherchons un ou une artiste :

  • Autochtone ou s’identifiant comme tel
  • Avec un parcours artistique en devenir ou significatif
  • Faisant preuve d’ouverture d’esprit
  • Ayant un intérêt pour les processus de co-création dans l’espace public
  • Souhaitant travailler auprès de populations en situation, à risque ou à expérience vécue d’exclusion

Toutes les disciplines sont les bienvenues.

Les duos ou collectifs sont acceptés (sans modification du cachet).

Découvrez l'appel à projet au complet ici ou ci-dessous


Intéressé.e ?

Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu'au 16 février 2017

Remplissez le formulaire suivant puis envoyez votre candidature par courriel à [email protected]



Beginning of the residency: March 2017 Realisation dates: March to June (4 months) Application deadline: February 16, 2017 


Métissages Urbains offers artist residencies in our common space: the streets. Accompanied by a facilitator from Exeko, the artists co-create art pieces (painting, sound, projection, architecture…) with passersby in order to open a space of exchange and improbable encounters between all citizens. Each project stimulates our creativity, and invites us to learn and to exchange our ideas!    

The current residency is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Inspirit Foundation and specifically aims to create spaces of creative encounters between indigenous and non-indigenous people; with the objective of fighting identity-based prejudices. Thanks to egalitarian settings of collaboration and of knowledge transfer, the project will allow the far too seldom heard voice of young indigenous artists and citizens to be heard

Profile of the candidates

We seek an artist:

  • Indigenous or self-identifying as such,
  • With a significative or growing artistic path,
  • Open-minded,
  • With an interest for co-created and public spaced processes,
  • Wishing to work with populations at risk, with experience of, or presently experiencing exclusion.

All disciplines are welcomed.

Duos and collectives are accepted (without modifications of the fee).

Discover the entire call for project right here or bellow



Please submit your project proposal to [email protected]

Before the 16th of February 2017

Specify in the subject line: «Candidature Métissages/Inspirit».


Partenaires du projet • Project's partners



Établi à Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko est un organisme d’innovation sociale dont la mission est d’utiliser les arts et la...

Établi à Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko utilise l'art et la philosophie au service de l’inclusion sociale. Nous collaborons...

À Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko utilise l'art et la philosophie au service de l’inclusion sociale. Nous collaborons étroitement avec...

Sous la responsabilité de la coordination générale, sous la supervision du responsable des partenariats et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe...

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • «  I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost. »

    Participant @PACQ

  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this? »

    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain

  • « I Have my own identity ! »

    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain

  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent! »

    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects

  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability.  »

    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal

  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists.  »

    Julie Laloire @AMDI

  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged. »

    Bulletin des YMCA

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community. »

    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future

  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal. »

    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile

  • « Receving is good, but giving is better »

    Participant idAction@Kanesatake

  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery »

    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle

  • «  I don't know everything, but while reading it, it always bring me one step closer »

    A participant, idAction Mobile

  • «  By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • «  I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me »

    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile

  • «  They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • «  Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself. »

    André Frossard

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged.»
    Bulletin des YMCA
  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists. »
    Julie Laloire @AMDI
  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability. »
    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal
  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent!»
    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects
  • « I Have my own identity !»
    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain
  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this?»
    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain
  • « I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost.»
    Participant @PACQ
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself.»
    André Frossard
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal.»
    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile
  • « I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me»
    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile
  • « Receving is good, but giving is better»
    Participant idAction@Kanesatake
  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery»
    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle
  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News
  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community.»
    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future
  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News