Supported by The J. W. McConnell Family Foundation and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO
This initiative is innovative in its interdisciplinary approach, in line with CCUNESCO objectives with regards to citizen engagement; the development of critical thinking; youth and adult leadership, particularly in the context of Indigenous communities; and inclusion via cultural and educational innovation.
- Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Our complex societies are faced with a variety of practices related to knowledge distribution, deliberation of norms, the creation of collective decision making (in research, education, facilitation, knowledge mobilization, etc.). Recognizing each of us as agents of social change driven by a sense of justice, these practices are essentially acts of protest. Among the many tried and tested methods, particular attention will be paid to intellectual mediation, a concept pioneered by Exeko, to discover its meaning and potential as a force for positive change in the arena of social transformation practices in education, knowledge mobilization, and knowledge transfer.
Developed and put to the test during 10 years through our programs, Intellectual Mediation is the pedagogical philosophy and practice of creating an open and level playing ground for collective thinking and knowledge sharing, particularly in situations where conditions inhibit open discussion. Through encounters with the arts and philosophy, participants are encouraged to move beyond dogma, stereotypes, and discrimination, to inspire confidence and rekindle the “agent of change” within.
To learn more about this approach, browse projects and publications by the CRMI (Research Committee on Intellectual Mediation).
The organizing committee includes a multidisciplinary team:
This conference invites change agents from a variety of fields to share in an active exploration of social transformation practices and objectives, and to nurture - even commit to - intellectual emancipation, to deepen our shared understanding of its role as a tool in social transformation.
Deliberations will branch towards three areas:
- Education and Intellectual Marginalization
- Social Inclusion through Academic Research
- Innovative Social Practices & Community Engagement
Subscribe at our newsletter for more information about Exeko's activities.
- Yves-Marie Abraham, Professeur agrégé au Département de management, HEC Montréal
- Christophe Abrassart, Professeur à l’école de design de l’Université de Montréal
- Isabelle Anguita, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Sophie Boyer, Volontaire internationale d’ATD Quart Monde et responsable de la recherche participative avec les personnes en situation de pauvreté.
- Anouk Bélanger, Professeure au département de communication sociale et publique de l’UQAM, Directrice de l’Unité de programme en Action et recherche culturelles
- Anne Brel-Cloutier, Étudiante au doctorat en philosophie UQAM, affiliée au LANCI
- Pierre Chaput, Membre et militant d'ATD Quart Monde
- Lyse Cloutier, Table régionale des centres de femmes de Montréal métropolitain/Laval
- Dorothée De Collasson, Chargée de projet, Ville Inclusive - Médiatrice, Exeko
- Alessia de Salis, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Nadia Duguay, Cofondatrice et co-directrice générale, Exeko
- Natalie Fletcher, Directrice-fondatrice de Brila
- Marie-Pierre Gadoua, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Luc Gaudet, Fondateur, Directeur général et artistique, Mise au Jeu
- Maxime Goulet-Langlois, Chargé en recherche et transfert, Exeko
- Jani Greffe Bélanger, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Marie-Paule Grimaldi, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Élizabeth Hunt, Associée chez Percolab
- Cédric Jamet, Associé chez Percolab
- Bianca Laliberté, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Ève Lamoureux, Co-directrice - Professeure au Département d'Histoire de l'Art, UQAM
- Jocelyne Lamoureux, Professeure retaitée associée au départmement de sociologie, UQAM
- Chantale Mailhot, Professeure agrégée, Département de management (HEC Montréal) Professeure associée à la Chaire de leadership Pierre-Péladeau
- Kena Molina, Médiatrice, Exeko
- Carl Morasse, Chercheur-cinéaste, Boîte Rouge vif
- Joël Nadeau, Conseiller en transfert pour l'organisme Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS)
- Naomi Nichols, Assistant Professor, Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University.
- Jean-Nicolas Ouellet, Direction ARUCI-SMC (Santé mentale et citoyenneté). Membre du Comité citoyen, ARUCI-SMC
- Geneviève Pagé, Professeure au Département de science politique, UQAM
- Michel Parazelli, Professeur en travail social, UQAM
- Serge Robert, Co-directeur - Professeur au Département de Philosophie, UQAM
- Lourdes Rodriguez del Barrio, Direction ARUCI-SMC (université) - Professeure titulaire, École de travail social, Université de Montréal
- Magali Uhl, Directrice du CÉLAT à l'UQAM - Professeure au département de sociologie, UQAM
- Laure Waridel, Directrice exécutive au CIRODD, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable
For further information, contact Agnès Lorgueilleux : [email protected]